Dear Clients, Friends, Business Partners, and Family of Rituals in Hair and Skin,
It is with a heavy heart that “Rituals in Hair and Skin” will close starting November 12th , opening January 8th, 2021, we hope!!!
We are keeping in touch with all the announcements and Public Health inspector for the province , our elected officials in our area of Old St. Vital, and of course the Provincial and Federal Government We will be keeping in touch with all of you that have appointments with us currently after the January the 8th, Kristina (Owner/Principal), will personally be calling you about them and rearranging them or cancelling depending what happens in the next week or so.
I have been emailing the Premier , Public Heath Minister, my MLA’s etc. to encourage them to open us up on the 8th. We have been very cautious and keeping to all the rules set out by the Public Heath Inspector since we opened in May, however, you can get a massage, acupuncture etc. but you cannot get a haircut or colour. I encourage you to also do the same and let them know the inconsistencies in these rules.
Due to the current climate, Code Red and the COVID-19 recommendations from the medical profession and Federal Government on the distancing of Direct contact in the community, we are going to be respectful of that and we hope that yourselves and your families stay healthy emotionally, physically, and financially.
Myself, Kristina, the owner, will be at the salon to answer calls, emails, book appointments etc. for limited hours . Tuesday – Saturday from 12:00 to 5:00 pm. Curbside pickups, Colour Kits , Products, and Deliveries inside of Winnipeg on Mondays. The front door is locked and we are not accepting any business at this time inside the premises.
We will be offering to clients, who wish to prepay, check our gift card promo for their services/products and we will have your gift card here for you to use for your next appointment. If you want, you can pre-order over the phone . We accept all credit cards and will arrange delivery with you , which will be complementary . We are grateful for any orders at this time and your support means so much to us.
We encourage you to still shop, buy, and service local all you can, to small businesses in your communities; they need your support more than ever!
We appreciate your business always and your support in these interesting times. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season, albeit different this year, we hope that you can find joy in the simpler things in life and not be lonely or hungry. Keep safe, enjoy your families, and get outside when you can. If you or anyone around you needs groceries, anything, look to help them out. We are thinking of you all!!!! We miss you and hope to see you all soon!!!
Kristina Poturica & the Team @ Rituals
Instagram – @ritualsinhairandskin
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Rituals-in-Hair-and-Skin-116291485082728/?ref=bookmarks
Bless you and your staff at this stressful time, I will be purchasing a gift certificate towards a service at a later date.
Lynn , thank you again for buying that gift card, it is very kind of you and is ready whenever we are open. Have a nice day!